Membership is just $20 per year and entitles you to receive the association’s newsletters. It also goes towards funding association events and administration costs. Please support us.
To renew your membership or to join, please:
1. Email the following details to
- Name
- Address
- Telephone
- Email Address
- Year of Birth (optional and only for statistical purposes)
- New Member ($20) or annual renewal ($20) and donation amount (if made)
2. Pay membership and renewal fees and donations via EFT as follows:
- The Australian Myasthenic Association in NSW Inc.
- Commonwealth Bank
- BSB: 062 104
- A/C No 00902219
Please label your payment with your first name and surname (or organisation name), and remember to email us at so that we can send you a receipt for your tax-deductible charity donation.
Alternatively, cheques can be sent to 17 Aldridge Avenue, Corrimal East NSW 2518
The Australian Myasthenic Association in NSW thanks you for your generous support.